About BCEO

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The Butler County Engineer’s Office designs, builds, and maintains the safest, most efficient roadway network possible for the citizens of Butler County, Ohio. This includes 266 miles of roadway, 404 bridges, and 927 culverts.

We are a multi-faceted public agency covering all areas of road and highway transportation, tax mapping, and commercial and subdivision development services. The principal duty of Butler County Engineer Greg Wilkens is to ensure motorist safety while supporting the continued growth of a strong local economy. The BCEO also pledges to be fiscally responsible and accountable to the public for projects completed and dollars expended.

BCEO…Safety, Integrity, Sound Engineering.

The Butler County Engineer’s Office is the agency responsible for the maintenance and upgrade of Butler County, Ohio’s transportation system. Our projects and services promote safety, efficiency, and economic development. Our traditions of quality public service and local control, fiscal responsibility, and public accountability have been the driving force behind our work since 1932.

The County Engineer and his staff are responsible for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repair of all bridges and highways within his county that are under the jurisdiction of the board of county commissioners, according to the Ohio Revised Code (ORC), Section 5543.01.

Which roads does the Butler County Engineer maintain? View an alphabetical list here.

Butler County By the Numbers

Bridges & Culverts [ICON]
404 Bridges
Culvert [ICON]
927 Culverts
Roadway Miles [ICON]
266 Roadway Miles
Roundabout [ICON]
43 Roundabouts

The Butler County Engineer serves as the engineer for the 13 townships and their network of roadways as well. Explore all of the duties of the county engineer under Resources.

The BCEO does not perform maintenance on city streets, residential streets, interstates, U.S. highways, or state routes. Please contact your local city or township, or the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) regarding maintenance information on their road systems.

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