Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17th, to observe Presidents Day. We will return for regular office hours at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18th.
Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17th, to observe Presidents Day. We will return for regular office hours at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18th.

Work with BCEO

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View our current list of RFQ’s on our Announcements page.

The Butler County Engineer’s Office utilizes a qualifications-based selection policy based on Section 153.65-.73 of the Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.), which generally requires all public entities to use a qualifications-based selection process when hiring design professionals. Firms are required to show evidence of financial responsibility when contracting with public entities. The BCEO’s qualifications-based policy is similar to A Guide for Public Authorities published by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio (ACEC) and is as follows:

For services estimated to be greater than $50,000, the following 3 steps will occur:

  1. The BCEO will solicit letters of interest from firms by publicly announcing the need for professional services for a specific project. It will be posted here under Announcements.
  2. The Butler County Engineer will evaluate all interested firms based on predetermined criteria. An evaluation sheet will be used for every project to determine the most qualified firm for the project.
  3. Once the most highly qualified firm has been identified, the BCEO will open contract negotiations with that firm using a detailed scope of services for the project and determine an appropriate fee for those services.

For services estimated to be less than $50,000, the BCEO will use a small project selection process in which an expedited “direct selection” process will be utilized. A provision enacted in 2011 (O.R.C. §153.71 (A)) allows a public authority to select a single design professional or firm from among those that have submitted a current statement of qualifications within the immediately preceding year, “based on the public authority’s determination that the selected design professional or firm is the most qualified to provide the required professional design services.” The following 4 steps will be used on the small project selection process:

  1. Every year in the fall, the BCEO will solicit letters of interest from firms by publicly announcing a “Request for Updated Qualifications” for the following year.
  2. Once your firm’s packet is received, it will be evaluated by several BCEO engineers. Should your firm prequalify, you will receive a letter indicating so. Your firm’s prequalification is then good for only the following calendar year.
  3. When it is necessary for the BCEO to obtain consulting services for a project or general services, the BCEO will evaluate all firms prequalified for the specific category listed below:
    • Roadway Engineering
    • Structural Engineering
    • Traffic Engineering
    • Geotechnical Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Surveying
    • Stormwater Services
  4. As per O.R.C. §153.69, once the most highly qualified firm has been identified, the BCEO will open contract negotiations with that firm using a detailed scope of services for the project and determine an appropriate fee for those services.


All bidders for BCEO contract projects must be ODOT certified. To find out how your construction company can become prequalified, review the ODOT Prequalified Contractor requirements.

Current Bids & Contracts

Visit our Bids & Contracts page for a listing of all currently available projects.

First-time Bidder

If you are a first-time bidder, sign up to submit your bid online.

Submit Your Bid

Bid submissions can be made online by accessing the BidVault.

Paper bids are accepted but must be delivered prior to the official bid opening time. Please deliver to the Butler County Engineer’s Office, 1921 Fairgrove Avenue (SR 4), Hamilton, Ohio 45011. Bids will not be accepted after 10:30 a.m. on the day of the bid opening. Please note that hard copies of plans and bid packets will still need to be purchased in order to submit a paper bid. Hard copies of the bid packets can be purchased at BCEO during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.).

Questions? Contact BCEO at [email protected].


Standards for Conveyance of Real Property

The Butler County Engineer’s Office and the Butler County Auditor’s Office are resposible for transferring all real estate that changes ownership in the county and collecting fees and taxes on this activity. We maintain all ownership records, acreage changes, real estate splits, and provide information for maintaining tax plat maps.

Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 319.203, adopted February 16, 1996, the Butler County Auditor and the Butler County Engineer adopted written standards for the conveyance of real property. You may download a copy of these standards to your computer in PDF format:

Storm Water Drainage

This tri-fold brochure outlines property owner responsibilities for proper storm water drainage improvements and maintenance and explains the limits of authority of public agencies. Ditch petitions are also explained.

Performance Bond
Sidewalk Performance Bond
Maintenance Bond


Before making a general payment
please note the following:
  • Bid Packets can be purchased here.
  • Special Hauling Permit Application Fees can be purchased here.
All other payments (NEW PAYMENT FORMAT EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 3, 2024. Instructions below):
  • To make a purchase, click the blue “Make a Payment” button below. Select an item to purchase by clicking on the drop-down menu. After you’ve selected the item, click the “Add New Item” button to generate the payment form and continue following the prompts to complete the purchase.
  • When asked for a REFERENCE NUMBER, please enter your INVOICE NUMBER.
  • The BCEO does not retain any credit card or financial account information. Effective, September 3, 2024, all transactions are processed by Point & Pay, a third-party vendor contracted by Butler County, Ohio, to process payments. Point & Pay will charge a convenience fee of 2.5% with a $2.00 minimum.

Questions? Please contact the BCEO at 513-867-5744.

If you are interested in purchasing a bid packet from the Butler County Engineer’s Office, please read the following terms and conditions:

  • Purchases are non-refundable.
  • Bid packets and plans cannot be made available in digital form per Ohio Revised Code (ORC).
  • Shipping is the purchaser’s responsibility. To expedite processing of your order, please inform the BCEO of your shipping plans by calling 513-867-5744 or emailing [email protected].

If you are interested in making online payment for a Special Hauling Permit Application from the Butler County Engineer’s Office, please read the following terms and conditions:

  • One permit per transaction.
  • Incorrect payment amount could result in delay of permit issuance by up to 120 days.
  • Processing and acceptance of payment does not constitute application approval.


The Butler County Engineer’s Office requires permits for all work performed within a road’s public right-of-way in order to maintain the integrity of the roadway system. Special Hauling Permits are also required for overweight vehicles.

Permits are issued by the BCEO for the county road network and all 13 townships. Allocated for residential and commercial purposes, there is no charge to obtain a permit.

Completed applications can be mailed or emailed to:
Development Services Dept.
Butler County Engineer’s Office
1921 Fairgrove Avenue
Hamilton, OH 45011
[email protected]

Driveway Permit

Driveway permits provide private access to the public road system. These permits also ensure that driveway pipes are installed per county standards. Note: Driveway permits are subject to the Butler County Access Management Regulations.

Download and fill out the Driveway Permit Application here.

Right-of-Way Permit

Right-of-Way Permits are most often issued for piped frontages – areas where property owners elect to install pipe in ditch lines to make them more attractive, easier to mow, and less hazardous. These permits help protect the county drainage system and ensure that appropriate-sized pipes are installed. Download and fill out the Right-of-Way Permit Application here.

Fence Permit

Fence permits are issued by the townships. Contact your township zoning department to understand their requirements to ensure your plans don’t infringe on any necessary access points or property borders.

Determine if you have a public drainage easement by checking your title documents for the plot plan of your property, or your township may be able to provide it to you. You may also email Paula Burton for assistance with your plot plan and any further requirements.

If your property has a public drainage easement, an Encroachment Agreement (prepared by our office) and the plot plan showing the proposed fence will be required and approved at our discretion. The approval process could take up to 45 days. 

Utility Permit

Utility permits ensure that all utilities, such as phone, water, electric, gas, and cable, are installed in the proper areas of the public right-of-way. Safe construction and correct installation are required per standards directed by the County Engineer.

Please click here to complete the Utility Permit Application online. Returning users will log in to proceed. First-time users will need to click Sign Up in the upper right corner of the Applications page.

Special Hauling Permit

Special Hauling Permits give the county the opportunity to review overweight and oversized loads moving through Butler County. This ensures safe equipment and proper routing along the most appropriate roads in an effort to minimize potential damage to the roadway system.

Please click here to see resources for completing the Special Hauling Application online. Returning users will log in to proceed. First-time users will need to click Sign Up in the upper right corner of the Applications page.

Completed Utility and Special Hauling Permit applications can be mailed to:
Utilities Coordinator
Butler County Engineer’s Office
1921 Fairgrove Avenue
Hamilton, OH 45011

The BCEO requires permits for all work performed within a road’s public right-of-way, plus Special Hauling Permits for overweight vehicles. Your permit will be issued provided the proposed work meets all County standards.

All applications are reviewed and permits are issued provided the proposed work meets all county standards.


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