Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17th, to observe Presidents Day. We will return for regular office hours at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18th.
Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17th, to observe Presidents Day. We will return for regular office hours at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18th.


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The Traffic Division of the Engineering Department is responsible for the engineering, design, installation, and maintenance of all traffic control devices, including signals, signage, and lane markings. Various traffic studies are performed in the planning of future roadway projects utilizing data that is collected and maintained by the Department, including traffic counts and accident data.

Traffic Resources and Information

Below you will find a wealth of safety resources and helpful information, including brochures, traffic counts, speed limit information, and links to outside websites with essential and oft-requested information. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Traffic Division at 513-785-4109 or email us at [email protected].

Access Management

Access Management is the process by which government agencies regulate the location and spacing of driveways, street connections, median openings, and traffic signals.

Distracted Driving Awareness

Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety. These types of distractions include:

  • Texting
  • Using a cell phone or smartphone
  • Eating and drinking
  • Talking to passengers
  • Grooming
  • Reading, including maps
  • Using a navigation system
  • Watching a video
  • Adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player

Please check out the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration web site on Distracted Driving at: www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/distracted-driving.

Additional resources and links:


The BCEO accomplished a major modification of the Union Centre Boulevard interchange at I-75. Completed in 2020, this project will transform the interchange into what is known as a Diverging Diamond Interchange. To learn more about this unique concept in modern traffic engineering, please click on the link below.

Union Centre Boulevard at I-75 Diverging Diamond Interchange – Schramm Award Presentation PowerPoint presentation January 2021.

Diverging Diamond Interchange – The official website of the DDI… “a diamond interchange with a twist.”

Driver Safety

Safe and efficient motoring for the transport of goods and people is what the Butler County Engineer’s Office is all about — making our roads, bridges, and intersections safer by easing congestion, upgrading to modern design standards, and eliminating dangerous situations.

You the motorist can help too by practicing safe driving at all times. Take our quiz below!

Nearly 70 percent of Ohio’s crash fatalities occur in rural areas dispelling the myth that the back roads are safer than high-speed interstates or congested city streets.

Rural Driving Safety – Eye-opening tip sheet from the Ohio Department of Safety on safe driving in remote areas.

TEEN DRIVER SAFETY: Crashes are the leading cause of death among teens in the U.S. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that drivers ages 16 to 19 are four times more likely, than older drivers, to get into an accident. Parents and other adults are being encouraged to talk to teens before they head out on the road, and also show them what it means to be a responsible driver. National studies have shown that teens usually learn their bad driving skills from, you guessed it, their parents.

DRIVE IT HOME: Helping You Keep Your Teen Driver Safe – A great resource for parents of teen drivers.


Butler County’s first left-turn signals with the flashing yellow arrow (FYA) display became operational in August 2015 at Tylersville Road and Kingsgate Way / Dudley Drive. In 2020, an improvement project converted the left turn lanes on Tylersville Road at Dudley Drive/Kingsgate Way to dual left-turn lanes.  Thus, the FYA display was replaced with protected only display.  In 2020, ODOT converted most of the left-turn traffic signals on SR 747 to FYA operation.  Click here to download an ODOT-produced brochure that fully explains this relatively new type of signal and how drivers should approach it.


When is it appropriate to install a flashing yellow light? – You may be surprised to learn that these are not necessarily a proper or safe solution in every circumstance. 

Golf Carts on Public Roads

Our office occasionally receives questions and requests for golf cart usage on public roads. Golf carts are classified as a Low Speed Vehicle (LSV). Here is a summary of the rules and regulations that govern their use:

  • Shall not exceed 25 MPH
  • Permitted only on secondary roads with a speed limit of 35 MPH or less
  • Must be equipped with headlamps, turn signals, tail lights, reflex reflectors, parking brakes, rearview mirror, windshield, seat belt (lap belt), and VIN
  • Must have a title, vehicle registration, and liability insurance
  • Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license
  • Must have completed inspection from local law enforcement
  • LSVs are allowed to cross a street/roadway that has posted speed limit greater than 35 MPH

Please click the links below for additional details and guidelines from the Ohio Revised Code (ORC):

Move Over to Protect Police, Fire, and EMS Personnel

Every day, America’s first responders-our police, firefighters, and EMS personnel-put their lives on the line to help protect us. When you’re out on the road, do your part to help to protect them. If you see them working on the roadside, Move Over to give them the room they need to work safely. See the complete NHTSA release by clicking here.

Text from Ohio’s Law

4511.213 Approaching stationary public safety vehicle displaying emergency light(A) The driver of a motor vehicle, upon approaching a stationary public safety vehicle, an emergency vehicle, or a road service vehicle that is displaying the appropriate visual signals by means of flashing, oscillating, or rotating lights, as prescribed in section 4513.17 of the Revised Code, shall do either of the following:
(1) If the driver of the motor vehicle is traveling on a highway that consists of at least two lanes that carry traffic in the same direction of travel as that of the driver’s motor vehicle, the driver shall proceed with due caution and, if possible and with due regard to the road, weather, and traffic conditions shall change lanes into a lane that is not adjacent to that of the stationary public safety vehicle, an emergency vehicle, or a road service vehicle.
(2) If the driver is not traveling on a highway of a type described in division (A)(1) of this section, or if the driver is traveling on a highway of that type but it is not possible to change lanes or if to do so would be unsafe, the driver shall proceed with due caution, reduce the speed of the motor vehicle, and maintain a safe speed for the road, weather, and traffic conditions.

See associated PSA and information on Ohio’s Move Over Law HERE.


All signing, speed limits, and traffic control devices are regulated by the State of Ohio. The State has implemented these rules to provide uniformity throughout Ohio which makes driving safer for all motorists. These regulations are set forth in a 900-plus page guidebook called the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD).

First National Conference on Street and Highway Safety by Hon. Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce Chairman, December 15 and 16, 1924. “The conference identified many of the principles of traffic safety today. Uniformity of traffic regulations was noted to be essential; the conference proposed standardized colors for traffic control devices and prompted efforts that would result in the first MUTCD eleven years later.

The need for crash reporting and statistical analyses was described, roadway design requirements were proposed, and braking and vehicular lighting requirements were recommended. A need for cooperation between drivers and pedestrians was also highlighted. A great concern for traffic safety on our roadways is certainly not unique to present-day habits and design standards. It has existed for over 100 years without a clear resolution.”

~ Matt Loeffler, BCEO Traffic Engineer

The Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM) has been developed to assure uniformity in the application of ODOT (Ohio Department of Transportation) traffic engineering policies, guidelines, standards, and practices. The OMUTCD establishes the basic, minimum traffic control standards for all public roadways in Ohio, and all supplemental ODOT traffic engineering design, construction, and operations-related information is either contained in the TEM or referenced from it.


The County (BCEO) does not have the legal authority to regulate parking on any street or roadway.  Parking regulations fall under Township authority.


  • We have a whole website page dedicated to roundabouts. Click to find educational and informational resources, as well as a list of current and future Butler County ROUNDABOUTS.


Speed limits are not randomly set. They are strictly determined by the State of Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, per the Ohio Revised Code. Every speed limit change must be approved by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). A speed study must be performed and submitted to ODOT for approval. There are many variables that are looked at as part of the study.


While the BCEO was heavily involved in the planning and coordination of this project, the Superstreets were mandated by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). For the benefit of our Butler County citizens, we prepared a brief explanation of the Superstreet concept as well as a Superstreet video demo. If after reviewing these you still have questions, please direct all inquiries to ODOT District 8.
Superstreet Intersection overview

Traffic Engineering Workshop

June 6, 2024 marked the 41st Traffic Engineering Workshop. The Workshop is presented as a public service for people involved in traffic and transportation activities in their communities. Presentations for this year’s workshop are available for download: 

Informational flyer – Workshop agenda and general information
City of Dayton: Road Diet
King Avenue Bridge Replacement
Grant Funding
ODOT’s Transportation Data
Future of Passenger Rail
Hamilton City Wide Signals and Fiber Project
IR-275 SmartLane Project

Traffic Signals and Street Lighting

The BCEO maintains 76 traffic signals. The timing and operation of these signals are carefully observed by the Traffic Division. To report a malfunctioning BCEO maintained traffic signal, please call 513-785-4109.

Traffic Signal Modifications in West Chester Twp (Oct. 2021)

Street light outages can occur from storms, accidents, and many other reasons. To help protect those in your community, first, check our Traffic Signal Maintenance List, Roundabout Lighting, or Pedestrian Devices Maintenance List to see if the intersection at issue is one that the BCEO maintains. If so, please report the outage here. If the street light outage is not at an intersection on our maintenance list, you can report a street light outage by contacting Duke Energy here. We appreciate your help when identifying outages.

Traffic Signals 101 – A primer for the geek in all of us. Answers questions such as ‘What are the parts of a traffic signal?’ and ‘What is signal timing?’

We are often asked why we can’t install signals at a dangerous intersection to make it safer. It isn’t that simple. Like speed limits, there are strict guidelines set forth by the State of Ohio that govern the use of traffic signals.

Traffic Signal Warrants

Work Zone Awareness

The summer months bring lots of road construction in Butler County and across the nation. This is a perfect time to brush up on Work Zone Awareness.

As the number of workers on the road rises, the risk of crashes and fatalities also increases. 80-85 percent of victims in work zone crashes are passengers and drivers and 10-15 percent are workers.

We all must work together to ensure highway crews and drivers on the road get home safely. Sign our pledge to slow down when you see orange. Even one death is too many.


When approaching a work zone:

  • Slow down
  • Keep a safe distance between me and the car ahead
  • Pay attention to signs and obey road crew flaggers
  • Stay alert and expect the unexpected
  • Never use a cell phone
  • Be patient

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