2018 Annual Report

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2018 Annual Report

Annual Reports

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Letter from Butler County Engineer Gregory J. Wilkens, P.E., P.S.

To the Citizens and Board of County Commissioners of Butler County, Ohio:

I respectfully present the Butler County Engineer’s 2018 Annual Report for your review. Each project listed in this Report has the direct involvement of the Butler County Engineer’s Office (BCEO), including planning and engineering, funding, administration of the contract, and/or construction and inspection.

This summary of 2018 activity provides only a partial overview of who we are and what we do. It details over $21 million in capital improvements and various forms of maintenance last year. However, what isn’t fully detailed are the hours of behind the scenes planning and extended time frames it can take to launch major projects into construction. We have a team of hardworking and nowledgeable professionals at the Engineer’s Office who make the projects happen. These outstanding employees design, construct and maintain our roads so that they are safe and efficient. Only with a team of professionals who know, understand, and have experience in the business can this be accomplished.

The successful improvements of our transportation infrastructure over the last year continue to be an integral part of growing the economy in our communities and townships; all achieved cost-effectively, saving money for the citizens of Butler County. However, the most important thing is not necessarily building roads and bridges; it’s hiring good people. Once we hire good people, we can build any roads and bridges we want! My staff of 81 full-time employees functioning as a respectful and cohesive team is evidence hat the health of the BCEO is a priority. Collaborating and learning from each other is crucial to keeping morale high and therefore, soundly executing our projects and services for Butler County motorists.

Thanks for your continued trust and support as your County Engineer. Please feel free to contact us at the BCEO with your concerns and suggestions for how we can improve our service. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Very truly yours,
Gregory J. Wilkens, P.E., P.S.
Butler County Engineer

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